Scheduled Migration: Content Apps - Tuesday, April 1, 6am - 8am EST
Note: This alert only applies to clients who use Content Apps to manage Events in Digital Experience Engine.
Our Product team will be migrating Content Apps servers on Tuesday, April 1 starting at 6:00 AM Eastern Time. During this timeframe, all of Content Apps will be down for 1-2 hours.
Required actions:
- Please do not make updates to Events in Content Apps during the migration window, as these changes will not migrate over.
- Create a site alert to inform your site visitors about the upcoming migration and expected downtime on April 1. We highly suggest adding the site alert a few days ahead of time.
Expected impact:
- Content Apps will appear as normal within DXE but no changes during migration will migrate over.
- Events will appear as normal for front end users but all Registration buttons will be removed during migration.
- Links related to Events (e.g. registration or cancellation) will not work correctly.
- Emails related to Events (e.g. reminders, confirmations, cancellations, etc.) will not send during the migration window.
All functionality will return to normal after the migration window.
How to create a site alert