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Site alerts appear at the very top of your Digital Experience Engine (DXE) site on all pages where the alert is configured to show. They’re used to relay highly important and/or time-sensitive information to your site visitors. Visit our reference article on site alerts for more information.

Create a site alert

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to Structure in the Toolbar, then Block layout.
      Screenshot of the Toolbar with the Structure menu dropdown expanded and the Block layout option highlighted.
  2. Click Place block next to the Site Alert region.
      Screenshot of the Block layout screen with the Place block button next to Site Alert highlighted.
  3. In the Place block modal, enter "alert" in the filter box. Then click Place block next to Mercury Alert Block.
      Screenshot of the Place block modal. The Block list is filtered to'alert' and the Place block button next to Mercury Alert Block is highlighted.
  4. Configure the site alert content and settings (see the descriptions for each field).
  5. When finished, click Save block at the bottom of the page.

The alert will immediately appear on all pages where it's configured to show.

Edit a site alert

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to Structure in the Toolbar, then Block layout.
  2. Locate the site alert block to modify.
    1. If the site alert is currently enabled, click the Configure button.
        Screenshot of the Configure button highlighted next to an enabled site alert.
    2. If the site alert is currently disabled, click the dropdown arrow next to Enable, then click Configure.
       Screenshot of the Configure dropdown menu item highlighted next to a disabled site alert

You can then edit the site alert content and settings the same way as when the alert was created.

Disable a site alert

Disabling a site alert will override Visibility settings and prevent the alert from displaying on any pages. This is useful for temporarily removing a site alert that you plan on reusing later.

To disable a site alert:

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to the Configure button, then click Disable.
      Screenshot of an alert with the Disable option expanded and highlighted.
  2. Click Clear Cache in the Toolbar to ensure that the change is propagated through your entire site.
      Screenshot of the DXE Toolbar with the Clear Cache link highlighted.

Enable a disabled site alert

  1. Click Enable next to the site alert.
      Screenshot of a disabled site alert with the Enable button highlighted
  2. Click Clear Cache in the Toolbar to ensure that the change is propagated through your entire site.
      Screenshot of the DXE Toolbar with the Clear Cache link highlighted.

Remove a site alert

Removing a site alert will delete it from your site altogether. It will no longer appear in the list of site alerts and cannot be restored or re-enabled. If you think you may need to keep access to this alert for future use, consider disabling the alert instead.

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to the Configure or Enable button, then click Remove.
      Screenshot of an alert with the Remove option highlighted
  2. Click Remove again in the confirmation modal.
      Screenshot of the Remove alert confirmation modal window with the Remove button highlighted.