An Event in Digital Experience Engine (DXE) is a scheduled date and time when a specific health-centered event will occur, either in-person or online. These could range from seminars to screenings to support groups, and more. An Event is an excellent way to generate group engagement with your medical organization, and potential leads later on.

While DXE has built-in Event administration, events can also be managed using alternate plugins (such as Content Apps) that may look and function differently than described in this article.
If enabled, users can search your Events catalog. They can click View event details to learn more about an event, or click a registration link you can customize (such as adding a mailto link, telephone number, or other webform for reserving an event spot). Events can also be used as targets for calls to action (CTAs) in your site.
Field definitions
- Marquee: Information that is used to populate the Event cards and inform the user what each event is about
- Title: The title of the event (mandatory)
- Event Types: A Taxonomy vocabulary to classify the type of event; default terms are -
- Community Event
- In-person
- Screening
- Support Group
- Virtual
- Topics: A Taxonomy vocabulary to classify the topic of the event; topic terms can be managed in the Taxonomy section of DXE
- Organizers: A Taxonomy vocabulary to identify the person/group organizing the event. Organizer terms can be managed in the Taxonomy section of DXE
- Virtual Event: Checkbox, if checked, identifies the event as a virtual (not in-person) event
- Images: Select an image to use as the representative image for this event; this image will appear in the Event card in Event search results and on the Event details page
- Event Occurrence: The Event schedule and repeat settings
- Start Date: The day/time the event starts
- End Date: The day/time the event ends
- Series: Define Events that occur across multiple dates, such as classes held over several weeks
- Click Add Event Series to add a cadence when the event repeats.
- Overrides: Any alternate information for this particular Event occurrence that is not part of the main Event definition
- For instance, if one occurrence of an even needs to be held at a different venue, you can input an alternate venue in the Overrides for that occurrence.
- Registration: Information the user needs to register for the Event
- Price: Price for attending the Event.
- Remaining Capacity: Numerical input for the remaining available spots
- Max Capacity: The maximum number of spots that can be reserved
- Registration Link: Online registration info
- URL: The link a user should click to sign up for the Event
- Link text: The plain text that displays as a hyperlink to the URL above
- Registration Information: Any information a user may need to register for the event
- Venue: The location of the Event; autocomplete suggestions are populated from DXE’s Locations.
- Description: A description of the Event; this will be displayed to the user when viewing the Event details
- Include any expected activities and benefits for attendees.
- Materials: Helpful attachments for the user to have when attending the Event, like Audio files, documents, images and video
- Multiple items can also be attached by clicking Add another item.
- Multiple items can also be attached by clicking Add another item.