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Search bar

One of our most requested enhancements is now released! The new Search bar component can be placed anywhere in your page layout. It's a compact way to allow users to search your entire site from anywhere!

Demonstration of a search bar in action on a website

To learn more about the search bar component, read this post.

Automated Local Search page descriptions using ChatGPT

This new enhancement harnesses the power of ChatGPT to automatically create an SEO-friendly description for your Local Search pages!

When creating a Local Search page, you will see a new option at the bottom of the screen labeled Include AI-generated page introductions. Click this before proceeding to take advantage of this new feature.

Screenshot of the Local Search generation page with the Include AI-generated page introductions checkbox highlighted

After clicking Populate Local Search Combinations, you can then select which terms you'd like to include in your search. After narrowing down to the terms you want to include, click Generate.

Screenshot of the Generate button when generating a Local Search page

You will see a loading bar as the software generates your Local Search page. When complete, you'll see an advisory message and confirmation message at the top of the screen. Click the name of your generated Local Search page in the confirmation message to view it.

Screenshot of the advisory and confirmation messages that appear after generating a Local Search page

You will navigate to the generated Local Search page, where the AI-generated introduction appears at the top!

Screenshot of a generated Local Search page with the AI-generated introductory text highlighted

If you would like to edit this text, simply Edit the page. This generated text can be edited like any other text field on your pages.

Screenshot demonstrating how to edit the intro text on a Local Search page generated by AI

Marquee Carousel

You can now create a marquee carousel layout in your enhanced layout pages! A marquee carousel is a rotating slideshow of images and/or text that can be used to add excitement and emphasis to your pages.

Example Marquee Carousel automatically scrolling

To learn more about marquee carousels, please see this post.